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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Big Man DOWN!!!!

I know I been missing catching up my blog lately, but I have a High School Senior, and that itself requires ALOT of time, money, work, money. Then he is going to be off to college to get a degree, but of course it will be a college close to home, all his hunting ground is around here, if I can get him to class during hunting season, then mission accomplished. I don't care if he's 40 years old living in the basement, yelling for me to stop talking so loud because he's playing his Play Station. Well, maybe I do a tad bit. But here is a breakdown of my summer, and a short piece of my life before.
In April 2000, I was involved in an auto accident. From this accident, I received a fractured L-5 vertebrae, torn left rotator cuff, whiplash, and ended up in pretty bad shape. I was told by 2 doctors I would never run or play golf again, which was cool, I hadn't ran since leaving the military and really didn't think much of out running the cops anymore. I got back on my feet, slowly, and about 2 years later had nerve damage causing me to have drop foot. I have a nice little brace that "pops" when I walk, my duties as a sneaky ninja had to be abandoned.
In October 2006, I was in a second accident, this one was lots more severe beings I already had major back issues. This time, same as the first, I broke 2 vertebrae in my back, T-8, and T-10, bruised my spleen, got some road rash on my buttocks, and received a turtle shell to be in for about 6 months. GREAT, my kids LOVED Christmas that year, Grandma got them suction cup dart guns and guess who got the target on his chest?? YEP!!! In September 2007 I ended up having to have my spleen removed. I gave birth, my spleen was 10 lbs and just over 9 inches long. I guess if I'm going to do something, then make a name for myself, I had the largest spleen on record thru the VA Health System. Still to this day, we have no idea how it didn't rupture, causing immediate death. Guess God had a plan.
On June 8 of this year, my son, the Senior, said he was in better shape than me. That pissed me off, so June 9 I trashed the Docs and started running. Having major back problems, this probably wasn't the best idea I could have done, but at 227 lbs with 3 chins, I had something to prove. I signed up for a Half Marathon to make it my 90 day goal, because I'm crazy I guess. I ran my butt off, I knew I was going to get that Half in just to quiet the kid. 2 weeks before my Half, I ended up getting plantar fasciitis, which is horrible, I could hardly walk. I went limping into my buddy Eric's work, and he said, I have got just the thing for you. YA RIGHT, we've all heard that before. He sat me down, thank God, standing up was a chore. Then he introduced me to AdvoCare Joint Promotion, I said, "dude I have 3 days, I have done everything possible except a shot to get my foot going, I don't care how bad it hurts, I am going to finish my Half Marathon even if I have to crawl." So, I gave in, tried in twice a day for 3 days, ran my half with no problem, I RAN MY HALF, yep. The 2 weeks before I had only got 5 miles total in for running because of my stupid foot. I came back, said I'm ALL IN.
I signed up to help others, to get them to my level of satisfaction in working out and running. Now, I have not taken any of my 6 prescriptions in 8 weeks, which was odd, I've been taking them for YEARS to get by each day.
In total I have lost 67 lbs as of today. I hit 190 and had a difficult time for 2 weeks breaking that bar, so I did the 24 day challenge, today is day 23, and I lost 30 lbs from it. Super easy, I have friends that have lost from 11- 25 lbs. Some workout, some don't. With products so safe, my kids use them, I got my kids started up in the Performance Elite with Muscle Fuel, pre-workout, in 1 week they have already told me how great it's going. Wrestlers, Catalyst is amazing, it was designed to protect the muscle, and help break down the stubborn fat so you can chisel up, and not loose muscle or strength.
The greatest thing about AdvoCare, is the business side. We all get those Spam emails of get rich quick, do this do that. Well, in 7 weeks, I have made better money than any of those spam emails, I feel great, I have energy, and kids love it also.
It's the American way to sit around and take handouts, not to many people want to challenge themselves to loose weight, workout, or anything that is going to cause good in their life. If you don't want to work it as a business with very limited time, then that's your choice, if you want to just buy retail, that's up to you, if you want to save some money and get a discount, then that is all up to you also. I know how much AdvoCare has changed my life, and knowing it's so safe that the Olympics endorse it for their athletes, that says a lot. The really cool thing, it's just now going to blow up across the U.S., so if you want people to know your the AdvoCare go-to person, now is the time. If you want to sit back and see if it's right for you, then more power to you. When there is no minimum orders, no have to orders, no lock in time, what is there to loose? All your doing is hurting yourself, take the leap, I challenge you to try Spark and tell me you don't have energy, and needed a nap. It's an all natural energy drink that taste like Kool Aid and make you happy, everyone deserves to be happy.
Don't be that person that sits around and complains to others about not being happy and having extra pounds. If I dropped 67 lbs with 3 fractured vertebrae, no spleen, drop foot, and other medical issues and am the way I am now, there is no excuse. I have overcome the Medical Odds, and I owe it to AdvoCare for getting me there. If you want to check it out, go right ahead, if you have questions, let me know, there is always something that works, and to have it help you physically and help you add some additional income for Christmas time, why wait??