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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fair foods

To come up with the idea of deep fried twinkies had to be an idea of some lady in weight watchers that was missing fried foods and junk treats. Little did she know she was into a hit.
The frozen banana on a stock came from a husband that found frozen bananas in the freezer his wife was saving them for banana nut bread. He probably got his ass chewed, but he found a hit!!!!
Turkey legs, who was the first to think,,,,,, very I can eat that funny looking bird!!! Don't pick me, I've ate alot of things, but a turkey in a field don't get my mouth watering.
Funnel cakes, what a great invention to get kids to eat pancakes. I bet that idea was from a lady with parkinson disease, that couldn't hold the pourer to make a pancake.
Corn dog, hmmmmm, pig in a blanket, ON A STICK!!!! Had to be a man trying not to burn his fingers while pigging out. Should of been named a COP DOG. but where did dog come from? Maybe a weiner dog that burns his belly when her runs across the carpet?
All those foods, I see will cause you be missing teeth, our maybe its the cleaning up the place that does. When I go to the fair, I have not bought any food from someone with all their teeth. But I wish I was young again, where I could eat all if them, all day long, riding rides, and never puking on myself and not making my cholesterol shoot through the moon.
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