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Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm amazed

Nothing is more amazing than a Sunday afternoon at a chinese buffet. I went into mine this last Sunday and to much of my amazment, it was full of Mexicans. So what is it, they like food outside of a shell? That seems funny.
We, as poo-white people, like Chinese, and we like Mexican. Now I will bet ya 20 peso's that Mexicans don't go out for American. Oh heck no, they won't bring that up, they will call it cheeseburger, fries, anything but American. And why is that? I don't understand?
I believe that the greatest food of all time, is that food which is quick to prepare, and takes care of the munchies. Arguably the best food there is out there. It may be Little Debbie Star Crunch, or it could be a hot fudge sundae. But whatever it is, it was quick, and that is the best tasting food money can buy. Just get something to wash it down.
I have now made myself so hungry I could tear up an elephants truck like a turkey leg. Heck, I have got to go eat now. So don't be silly wrap ole will when your burning off the calories.

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