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Monday, April 30, 2012

Ex and Guns

Somethings just royally confuse me, I mean, that don't take much. The craziest things can happen when one decides not to stay married, or hitched, or suckered, take your pick. But I tell ya one thing, the guns, always the guns is what makes the other person happy. If I didn't have mine, I'd be lost, and damn sure wouldn't be able to protect myself from the estranged ex.
But to go to court, when there is 2 guns or more involved, I say they split em up. They ain't related or anything, maybe even joint custody, that way every hunting season, the hunter ends up with them. Beings it is hunting season, that is the prime time to unload on an animal, if ya get what I'm saying. But I can't find a tag for that. Guess witch hunting only exhist out East where they still believe the Scarlet Letter really happened.
I tell ya, if I was a judge, I'd just really fix both their asses. Both are scared of the other going to shoot them, so split the guns, or hell, now days I'm surprised they haven't split the ammo. Husband get the guns, Wife gets the ammo. Now that is a real court decision, beings you have the gun, obviously, one would have to just go down and get ammo. So what if she gets the bullets, but no way to shoot em? This is kinda a mute point, but on my FB the other day, these chicks were getting their granny panties all kinds of looking like G-strings, without the brown streak. Well, maybe some will,,,,,,,,,,,ah hell. But these chicks are the same one's that go on and on about how crazy their ex is, and this and that, and then they are the crazies with the gun. I know back when John Wayne ruled the world this stuff wouldn't happen, we would go out back and have a duel. But the funny thing is, my ex don't know how to load a gun, so guess what's gonna happen???
Just for the record, I wouldn't waste the lead, or the disappointment of not having them around. I mean, nobody else in this world just sits around trying to find my every move when shes the one that was sleeping around. Heck, if I was that good, I guess why cheat? What comes around goes around, but if we were still together, I guess we would have a gun cabinet of hers to put my guns in. So remember, don't be silly, wrap ole willy cause child support sucks.

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