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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finally decided to meet one of them girls off the web. Well, I guess I've tried it before, but I'm about as smart as a calf and a hot wire, I'll keep doing it until it don't work. I guess. She was kind of a wack job, not the kind that a guy lays in bed thinking about, but I mean her elevator didn't even have a lift to it. She couldn't get a foot off the floor with a ladder in common sense.
So, we just sat there talking, and I acted like I was paying attention to her, thank god the girl sitting behind her was hot and sucking on her finger. She kept going on and on sounding like a skipping CD. About the only thing I caught was long time since sex, and degree in psychology. In which both hit me like a bb on a bare ass cheek. Well, considering she got a degree from a psychologist, in therapy, I then understood how she didn't have sex.
I don't know about you, but no guy wants to burn wood in a fireplace full of ants. With all her alter egos home like kids for Christmas, it would take a energy driven,,,,or desperate,,,,man to even wanna play with that mess. I was really nice and drove, but I wanna take this moment to thank whoever gave her a ride back to her car when I pulled the whole I need to pee trick and left. There really ain't that kind of room in the SOUL for her and the chick that was sitting behind her, and I didn't think Psycho Penny wanted to meet who I was really paying attention to while I was listening to her scare me away. For all I know, she may still be sitting there talking.
I play fair, I only take one at a time, and I sure feel sorry for the guy that gets hooked up with that mess. Man, I've dated an exotic dancer before, but never an exotic pharmacologist. But in the mean time, back in the Wild World of Gabe, don't be silly wrap ole willy. And if the light don't turn on, hit it with a flashlight.

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