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Sunday, July 15, 2012

New Trend

Well, summer is here, it's finally time for those facebook pictures of people who you didn't want to see in their bathing suits, in em. The chicks that wear daisy dukes so high they have to wear a hair net, or wax every other day, wearing cowboy boots. And the summer days of softball, with the chicks who think we are playing for a chance in a style show magazine for old softball players. And one thing I don't understand, who in the hell stole these socks off clowns that come up to your thighs, and all plastered in designs like someone was on acid with a paintbrush? That is the craziest thing I have ever seen.
If your so worried about showing your legs, drop them shorts down about 2 feet, and wear pants or something other than a rainbow of skittle colors on your calf. Some of these chicks, a farmer couldn't even corral those calfs, I had no idea socks didn't rip when they stretched out like that. Talk about a whole new design of ted hose. Now for some reason, that is not sexy. And what the hell is up with them socks with sleeping bags for your toes? Just go barefoot, some fool over in China is laughing his ass off that he is paying these 10 and 11 year old kids money to make stupid looking socks that these American girls can't spend money on fast enough.
Nothing says crazy more than spending $5 on a pair of kaleidoscope colored socks on acid, and wrapping your sweaty stinky feet in them, just to have the cheap China dye soak into your skin and making the design on your leg when you show us how an over stuffed potato looks in a swimsuit. I have seen dudes with body hair so bad in a hot tub they look like kelp took over the tub, but they have nothing on these psychedelic colored madness on your stinky feet. So, if you are crazy enough to waste money on them to keep sweat shops in existence, then obviously your not smart enough to don't be silly wrap ole willy.

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