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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Firestorm Fest Lincoln, NE

Of all things to be part of, I'm telling ya, to help out some firemen and people who have lost everything in a wildfire has to list among the top of my performances. Not because I was a fireman for some years, and I still can't use my hose without Viagra to keep from getting my shoes wet. So these dudes, and dudettes, asked me to be part, and then we have some bands gonna come out, it sound more like a Nuthouse Fest if you ask me.
Almost 7, now who the hell would have thought of a name like that? If that was my band, it would be Almost 420, that will weedwack em. And a band for god sakes, all of us know bands don't start until about 8 or 9 at night anywho, it probably was a bass guitar player that came up with that name, had to be, unless the drummer was pounding away and thought, damn, I almost had 7 beats going on all at once. But rock on, cause it's gonna start at 8.
Idle Minds, this is a band name that scares the hell out of me. If I didn't know better, I would swear my ex wife named that one. But I know she can't play, hard to play guitar or any instrument on your back. OUCH. Hints the EX. Talk about some great music gonna come out of these non thinking pickers, hope they ain't a Greatful Dead Tribute, cause that would be in the right mind also. Wonder is there is a blonde in this band, heck, if they can remember the song lyrics I'm gonna have to drink one to them.
Ivy Garden, don't this sound like a stripper name? I can think of all kinds of gardens, but really, IVY? Must be from a bad rash they got one night down at the river naked, like some poison ivy on the ole buttcheeks, or heck, even in the garden. Where I come from, there ain't no IVY in the garden, we pull that crap. Maybe when they grow up they want to be Cypress Garden, guess we all have to start from somewhere, thank God I got my start with a pole.
And we are gonna have some popcorn at the even, Orville is coming, and gonna play some pop music to the beat of a different drum. They better pack up some extra g-strings, cause popcorn makes these Nebraska women ready to tear crap up. I guess they don't have a last or second name, I never knew an Orville all by itself, and to dig up ole popcorn daddy and take his pic for your cover was as wrong as the Dr giving you a colostomy bag when you have no arms. Talk about aggression.
Shot down in flames is gonna be the last crazy name we have here, and man can I deal with that name. One night I went out to get me a sex doll down on the corner, and not only did I get shot down like a Stinger Missile hit my ass, but I got me a free stay at the Hall County Bed and Breakfast. I better just show up with some chicken sandwiches in case they do happen to take the Flame part alittle far.
So, basically, what we have is a Redneck named Orville who grew a Ivy Garden About 7 because he had an Idol Mind, and the damn garden got Shot Down in Flames. So, don't be silly wrap ole willy, and get your ass out here and let's figure out who these kats are and what baby name book they were reading about 420 my time.

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