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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Political Debate

As most of you know, this world is in much needed help for repair. It's kind of like when your so called friends gave you ex-lax and told you it was chocolate bars. There is nothing more than having over filled your britches and foaming from the ankles more than a country that has crazy ideas thrown at them by some guy that wishes he had a binder full of women. I don't know what all is going on, I know the way we are going this plane is gonna crash and shit ain't gonna be good. I mean, why do we all stand on the sidewalk and just wait for the big one, I love me some NASCAR, but dang, when it comes to D.C. and my kids having to suffer, I guess it's time we change a few things.
First off, let's make weed legal. The whole aspect of crime will come down, people will not have enough motivation to rob stores, beat people up, shoot guns at each other. Nobody has ever overdosed on weed alone, but on the bright side, it will cause little Debbie sales to increase, bring Betty crocker back economically, and help with the shortage of cops in towns. With less crime, we need less cops, tax the crap and lets do this.
Take some of the tax money and help out the fire fighters, because we all know not everyone has bong water, in which a fire can be put out with. So we may have an increase of fires, or atleast some burn marks on clothes and stuff, so we can help the dudes that can put out the big one.
We as Americans can just sit on the sidewalk and watch the cars go by, or we can get off our butts and do something so the dog don't get hit when crossing the street. Stand up, make a stand, believe in what you want, but share it, dare it, and carry thru with it. I guess it all comes back to the time my mom ran over our dog when I was a kid, I know she did it on purpose because I was holding it at the time. From that day forward, I have not held a dog around a car, because I believe I don't have 9 lives. I really don't care who gets office along as it is someone different, who won't take away my guns.
Guns don't kill people, people do, that is like saying McDonald's needs to shut down because they make people fat. Oh wait, they serve Diet Coke so that makes it all better. The crazy thing that has happen this last January is our own Veterans who gave their sacrifice for this country, and got thrown in war because of our leaders, also had their gun rights taken from them because they have mental health issues. They are the ones that will stand up to the bad guys with the guns for the people. That would be like closing all the movie theaters down because someone got shot in one, or taking all the cop cars from the cops because one cop wrecked one. Some times we have to stop, look at the real picture, and wonder,,,what were they thinking.
As the election get's closer, and we have the right to change what needs changed, stand up, be proud, be an American and vote. If you decide to drink first, drink, then all is well and do it then, it can't be worse than what is happening inside government housing. But if you don't care and want to stay home and do nothing, then don't be silly wrap ole willy.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely put, I am a veteran and if my rights were taken away to be able to own a firearm I would be pissed off. I do vote and our country needs some serious help there is no doubt. We are purchasing more and more things from overseas. Even when you call customer service it is someone from India answering the phone. Really what the "F" is that all about? I could ramble on about this but I think you summed it up very well.
