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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Great day

To those that think freedom of speech is just an idea, they can kiss my butt. To say that someone can't publish a funny blog, or have fun because your life sucks and you want to just try to be the biggest pain in the ass society has ever seen, listed my butt.
Some things in life can be fixed, but stupidity cannot. No matter how hard you try, dumb people just get dumber. Hints the movie!!!!! When your worried about every one else but yourself, that is too bad, stop to look in the mirror and meet Karma, she and you will become good friends.
But to those that believe funny people make great dads, uncles, grandpas, cousins, and brothers, grab a beer, or glass of wine and dump it over some waster of our air to show you believe.
This is why I want buried face down so the worlds wreckers can kiss my butt, on my tombstone it will say BRB, cause I'm coming back as MR KARMA to make sure I get the last laugh, and maybe I will be the last comic standing!!!!!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

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