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Monday, July 18, 2011

The man that can't

There are some things that guys just can't do. For instance, isle 11, woman products. Now why the heck would we buy those for our women, and what makes you women think we can do something so drastic?
My god, narrow, wide, wings, no winds, applicator, ribbed applicator, wtf? Ribbed applicator? Heavy, light, nite, day, athletic, sleeper, how do you know? There is no fitting room for these cotton missles, is it like buy and try or phone a friend?
All I know is one falls out if the cabinet into the toilet and poof, the water is gone, no wonder you have cramps, if I had a huge cotton slug in me I would be cramping too.
And down the isle some, how does one figure out that a little summer evening in a box is the thing for them? I'm not even going there, but I am going to the store and NO I cannot buy those things. 6 choices confuse me, god bless if I have 60 on something I don't even need. And none of them get into my cart when I'm pushing it unless today concealed!!!!!!
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