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Saturday, July 16, 2011

So hot!!!!!

It's so hot I seen a bird picking a worm with tongs!!!
It's so hot the snakes are trying to get ice.
It's so hot Obama cooked his chicken on the manhole cover.
it's so hot the Johava Witnesses canceled going door to door.
Now that's hot!!!!
It's so hot horses are asking for brazilians!!!
It's so hot I can't even get the kids outside!!!
It's so hot the public pool is now the public whirlpool.
It's so hot when I peed in the pool it actually felt cold.
It's so hot that my neighbors rug on his head melted and dripped off his ears.
It's so hot snoopy isn't even saying joe cool.
It's so hot people are asking to go to hell to cool down.
It's so hot when I caught a fish it was already cooked.
But least I say, in this humidity, we need gills to breath.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

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