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Sunday, September 18, 2011

neighborhood watch

If you have some close neighbors you know the routine. They will tell ya someone was sniffing around in your territory. But every block has that one neighbor who is nosey Nelly.
If you leave your garage door open at night and nobody calls ya, either one of 2 things have happen. Either someone shut off the neighborhood watch for the night, or you are that nosey Nelly and nobody wants to bring attention to themselves.
But at my crib, my neighbors were old, nosey, and didn't get in the middle. For 2 years my ex decided to sleep with everyone but me, run around in bra and panties when I was gone with the shades open. But never did that neighborhood watch switch go to neighborhood help. Until the day I was moving out, then they all came out spilling the beans, and educating me.
So if you go to bed and nobody calls about the garage door, think about what's going on. But don't forget to ask if anything weird is happening at the crib when your gone.
And that is why I am a window peeker, I'm not a pervert, I'm just trying to help out.
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