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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Only IN Nebraska

Only in Nebraska do you have to leave for work early counting on getting behind a tractor during planting and harvest time.
Only in Nebraska do you not have to double check locking the front door.
Only in Nebraska can you drive around with a rifle in the back window of your truck, and nobody is worried.
Only Nebraska men can ask for help working cows and their friends know it don't mean going to the bar.
Only in Nebraska can you go next door and ask for some sugar and their husband don't get mad.
Only in Nebraska can you tell your story at a local bar, and have someone buy you a drink and listen.
Only in Nebraska can your kids play football in the street and some jackhole don't honk or try running them over.
Only in Western Nebraska can you have a cattle drive down the main highway and people aren't honking and getting pissed.
Only in Nebraska can you give a neighbor a key to your crib when your on vacation, and come back and everything is still in the house.
Only Nebraska can make for a National Holiday on Saturdays during football season.
Only in Nebraska can you walk up to someone, voice your thoughts, and make them laugh at how silly they really are.
Only in Nebraska can you be 16 and knocked up, and your mama will help you raise the kid, so you finish school.
Only in Nebraska can you find someone that will give you their heart, and you are good with that the way it is.
Only in Nebraska can your have your ex and new girlfriend help you move without a fight or guns.
Only in Nebraska can you call a neighbor to help preg check cattle and they are right over.
Only Nebraskans can understand walking on the highway, and getting a ride the first mile.
Only in Nebraska do the cops prefer corn on the cob over donuts.
Only in Nebraska can you be someone, and just walk around being treated just like a normal person.
Only Nebraska people understand the meaning of TRUE friendship, where it leads. where you go, ice cold beer, and working on trucks is more important than going to a movie.
Only in Nebraska can you walk into a house and know at 6 o'clock you can have a warm meal with strangers, whom become best friends.
Only Nebraska is the place I want to hang my hat. No other place can I drive for 80 miles and only see 1 gas station, and the women can work harder than some men. Where sweat is not frowned upon, it make you sexy, and where you can get frostbite, windburn, sunburn and a tornado all in one day. So when picking out where to go, stop and think how many locks are on your door. But don't be silly, wrap ole willy.

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