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Thursday, March 15, 2012


Sometimes in my world, where everyone knows me, I think of the damnest things. So, I moved into my dodgeball court apartment. It is HUGE, either one of 2 things needs to happen, I buy more shit, or heck I buy more shit. I got about everything I need, but wooden spoons, but I break them on her butt anyways. I have a couch, which is called the loveseat, because its fun to do the whoopy on, and I have a loveseat, which is equiped with stir ups. Okay, now that you are on the edge of your seat.
I do the damnest things. Like mail something, with no stamp, give myself a papercut licking a pre sealed envelope. But, that's how I roll and I like it. I am wishing I had some more Mexican friends, cause I really need some more shit up in here and cheap too. Nothing beats getting a new tv for case of beer. But I have to say they are wising up. Now the big deal is selling paper products. Who freaking new people can STEAL big ass things of ass wipe and make mean cash. I can see infamil and stuff, because that stuff costs you more than delivery of the child. Which leads me to another off subject.
You pay to make them, you pay to have them, you pay to raise them, and then you keep paying child support. Now comeon, the older the kid gets the less we should pay, he isn't in diapers or formula anymore. Crap, lets make it where we stop paying our ex's when the kid gets his first job. Teach them responsibility, make him fork the bill to his mom for stuff. Or better yet, I guess that would be the first time he ever got money that was actually for him. And that counts for the Harley I didn't get to ride, the car I didn't get to drive, the house I don't live in, all in which my child support, supports.
Okay, now, sometimes, my damn ADD just beats my ass everytime. So don't let him take you on a one track mind, don't be silly wrap ole willy.

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