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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Burke South Dakota

This town is a breed of their own. From a always drunk airport fireman, to a banker that married into the money, everyone has a nickname. Everone knows everyone, and when you aren't from there, they will come up and ask where you are from. Nice people, great ones.
I learned about Nebraska up there, they love the Huskers, and some even went to school in Nebraska. I also learned that there were 4 sisters from that area that raised white horses, and they were used for circus and shows. They were the ones that came up with the white horse evadently. But who's counting? They weren't even Indian. Shocker.
There's a dead animal stuffer dude that obviously collects racoon penis and makes earrings of them? I always heard about screwing her in the ear, but comeon animals, you can't beat us to it. What would ever make one think, Damn those there would make some good earrings?? Sticking a penis in your ear? I'm sure someone can help with that, maybe some medication. To impress me more, a school board member, a dude, had one in his ear.
The high school kids were stuck, in the middle of nowhere, where their parents know all there is to do is drink, so those kids had to blow a breathalizer before post prom. So, beings I am who I am, there was a line and I told the Sheriff, you might want to zip up your fly so you don't confuse them on what they have to blow in. He didn't find it as funny as me, oh well, strike ONE. After that, they had some games, and one of these was the nastiest thing I ever seen.
They had to pick anywhere between 3-6 foods, and 1-3 drinks, toss them in a blender, and drink a shot of it. This would be a killer bar game, but we are talking, smoked oysters, cake, oreos, yogurt, whorchestershire sauce, hot dogs, beets, mustard, hot sauce, cheetos, sauerkraut, and the drinks were vegatable juice, pineapple juice, and orange pop. Some of these things blended up smelled like puke to start, let alone the chunky hot dog being poured into the shot glass. And KUDOS to these kids, one and only one puker, a girl, go figure. But they were troopers.
Next year, when I go I am taking cow tongue, brains, intestines, salmon, and RAW oysters, gonna go big!! But all in all I had a blast, I babysat the parents while the kids were home having sex, or at prom, and then after, I babysat the kids so the parents could go home and get funky. The parents were all drunk, so I am betting they had a funner time. But I sure hope they weren't silly and wrapped ole willy.

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