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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Car Salesmen

What is it that if someone just drives through a lot to look at the new models, some pot bellied pervert comes running out to you almost burning their lip and eyes from the cig they are toting? I can't understand it. It is getting about as bad as walking into the Buckle, you feel like you are being molested by sales people talking you into something you don't need. I understand that your making a living off selling cars, and making great stories about used cars to sucker us in to help you out. But come on man.
I'm going to start a game, for every time a salesman tries to push me into a car I don't want, I am going to try to return the sale backwards. When he tells me about a car, I'm going to tell him about the car next to it, and see who will bite first. Oh wait, why would a car salesman need a car? Don't they drive around brand new cars from the lot with the dealer tags on them just to show that they too can drive something special?
One thing that cracks me up, the fattest dude is always the best salesman, don't know how that works, but it just is a fact of life. Probably cause the skinny ones aren't selling, therefore, not eating, and the big one always has some spare change for the vending machine. But I mean to tell you, I am not going to buy a car from someone that does NOT own the same make. Why the hell would I buy a Ford when half the sales dudes are driving Chevy? Is that not a sign? I don't walk into a gay bar and ask for a straight woman, that is just confusing to me. Actually I don't walk into a gay bar anyways, I usually run. But who's counting?
So in short, when there is not other job in which you can handle, and you need exercise, a laid back environment, and a job in which you don't have to study, car sales is always looking for a few good bellies.
But, int he mean time, MEN, just to teach ya, if you position yourself by the drivers rear view mirror on the door when the ladies are getting in, yep, that gives you a straight up the skirt, short, looky look. I wouldn't know this for sure, but I am just saying, I have seen more cats in a pillowcase than the humane society. And if you play hard, stay hard, don't be silly wrap ole willy.

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