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Monday, June 18, 2012


Oh man, I tell ya, I'm about as riled up as a paraplegic that can finally feel his toes. I mean, I just got back from Walmart, and remember nothing about anything I seen, my eyes became a madness for candy, and my wallet got alot lighter. I found some Crunch bars that taste like girl scout cookies, whew, scared I was gonna forget to type cookies. They have coconut and carmel, that is totally a tastebud orgasm, I mean if I wasn't an addict, I would give up sex for these. But, I'm not gonna, I tried a help group one time.
I sat there in my chair, kinda drunk, kinda high, kinda normal, whatever that is. And they went around the classroom introducing themselves, it came to be my turn, and yep, I was zoned out, had to be tunnel vision or something, or maybe, hell, who am I kidding. The lady called on me, I guess twice, she didn't think I'm a male and hard of hearing was a good enough answer, so she asked what was on my mind. So I started telling her, 50 Shades of Gray, your boobs, your tight ass, and I am currently undressing you with my eyes, now will you just sign the damn contract? Well, that was the last time I seen her, and my class buddies, I have no idea what her deal was, maybe she hasn't heard of the books. Well, I could educate her like a homeless person on how to hide a take a dump.
She was really nice though, she did happen to give me her name and address. It was on the protection order the sheriff gave to me. Bless his heart for looking out for me, he said I can't go back to class for a year, so I hope she don't get knocked up or anything, or find a love for candy. All I know is she looks like she maybe allergic to dick, it could make her belly swell, guess don't be silly wrap ole willy, and see ya in a year teach!!!

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