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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Can I borrow 20

All of us have that one special friend we don't hear from for days, and then all of a sudden out of the blue, or maybe red or orange, the color is all in your head, heck I'm colorblind anywho, and then we get the text,,,,,Can I borrow $20 until Friday. The first thing going thru my head is, do I have an extra 20 I can part with in my life? We all know you won't see it again.
So I got this idea, I'm going to text my friends about once a month and ask for money. If I have 5 people that will part with a 20, that is an extra 100 in my pocket. That is about like setting up a PO Box, and running an add in a paper or magazine and telling people to send a self addressed stamped envelope to me and I can tell them how to make hundreds of dollars. I will print off instructions and they will be kind of like this.

Set up a PO Box in a business name.

Run add in paper or magazine, the same add you answered.

Print off these instructions, stuff into their envelope, take your $5 you get from the sorry bastards that mailed it to you and do something with it.

Mail these instructions back to people letting them know not only are they suckers like you, but there are many more people in the world like them, and don't get any paper cuts.

Now is that an idea or what? Oh wait, you'll have that one friend that will text and ask for money to place the add, and as we all know, when you lend money to a friend, you might as well light it on fire and watch it go cause your never gonna see it again. I personally don't ask to borrow clothes, so why money? But if ya happen to find some sugar mama that can spare some dollars as change, don't be silly and wrap ole willy.

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