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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dakota Karns

To flip this blog totally upside down. I know most come for a good funny, see what kind of material I am going to have on the road, to see what kind of crazy things I am thinking. So, to shock the word, and put everything aside, I am going to show another side of me that not very many understand, or have got to know. So, here we go.
I had a special buddy of mine that lived across the street from my parents. The kids name was Dakota Karns. He had wonderful parents, and a wonderful family. Not only did he touch everyone he came in contact with, he left a lasting place in their heart, where they would never forget him. He was just a little dude, living in this big world. Never went a day without a smile, and NEVER seen anyone without a hug.
Dakota was a special kid, he had Down's Syndrome, but he never let it pull him down. He took the bad and made it good. One thing my little buddy loved was fireworks. The bigger, louder, cooler, the better. I made my own boomers, and he loved it, and always wanted more. If I could of legally got a stick of dynomite to light off, to watch him jump and scream I would have done it for him. My kids loved watching him get all excited, and it spread to them.
He loved sports, and played them. I remember in baseball, he would tee the ball up, give it a crack and down he went, foul ball, fair ball, didn't matter, he was kicking up dirt. All the other kids, no matter if they knew him or not, never got him out. They would throw the ball, and drop it, whatever it took to get him safe. He could have made the major league, maybe drafted to the Royals so someone would end up on base.
This kid touched me in a way that nobody ever has. He taught me that the world loves to smile, laugh, and have a good time. And that really, no matter how people act, they do have a supportive side. So, after being contacted to start a blog, and then being contacted to hit the road with stand up comedy by friends, I thought about it long and hard. There are a couple people in the world that don't want me to succeed, and that's why they are called ex's.
After thinking, and getting a glimpse in my mind of my special friend, I decided, not only is it worth it to me, it is worth it for the world. I owe people a good hour or two of laughs, good times, to just escape this reality we call life. So, I thank Chris Unrue, and Eric Rose for pushing me, and getting me going on a start, but I think Dakota for inspiring me that anything is possible, no matter what your abilities are.
So, in the next few weeks, I will be working with Dakota's family to set up something to remember this special kid that stole 40,000 hearts in a 50,000 people town. I owe my buddy to take his message, and inspiration with me, to pass it on, and help others that were like him to better their lives from a heart that was so big it finally gave up after 14 years of work. Way to young to leave the world, but did this kid every leave behind something worth sharing.
So in sharing that I do have a heart in his blog, I challenge everyone that takes the time to read this, to stop, think about what you can do to help a special needs child, and I will bet you that they steal your heart too. No matter how big I get, and where God takes me in my adventure, I will not forget the people that made me who I am.
So, take a moment, and think how can a kid at age 14 do more for people that millions have in their whole life? This kid was something else. Thanks for the memories, the laughs, the good oooohhhh and aaaahhhhhs, jumps, times I thought you pee'd your pants with the big booms. I loved you kid, and his family, I look up to you and am here to help. Dakota will have extra time in my shows to spread his message, to tell people how touching this kid was in my life, and how I am inspired to keep going, keep digging to move up, and make dreams come true.

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