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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Okay Kids

I have some smart ideas for and some things to think about for teens today. But first and foremost, lets just thank them for being them.
The future of America is in your hands, when you make it up to be someone that you have always strived to be. Stop and think. Make sure you have enough votes to win office, make sure you don't declare war and send young people of there to take care of it when your old butt is the one who wanted it. I mean, if we sent you over there at age 50, I am sure you could talk the war progress down.
If you are going to decide to start a war, especially over gas prices. Why would you send over thousands of troops and no vehicles? Come on, take the gas, thats what your fighting for anyways. Don't let us down.
Never believe an old lady with no wrinkles is naturally beautiful. I mean comeon, botox, internal jello, and silicone are all on the rise. That is why we have so many women think they are barbies, but they arent really. Barbie has no holes. HINT HINT
Always listen to your parents. Ya, you may think they are drunk and stupid when telling you things, but when you hit the ripe age of 21 or 22, you will know, we are information GODS.
So, when you think about going into the future, stop, think, with the upper head, its no much of a bad place, it just has eggheads leading it. So, don't be an egghead, and surely don't find yourself with a patch on your eye in a roadside ditch.

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