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Thursday, November 3, 2011


Who in the hell came up with this tied up ball of yarn to hang on a hat at graduation to have the wind blow and slap you in the eye? They should of used something like a rose stems. You ever had one just slap your eye like you were a red-headed step child stuck at home with a step mom from hell? That crap hurts.
And to make it worse, you can't pick the colors of what the shredded doilie should be. This is something that I never did understand. But DAMN I was cool hanging that thing on my rear view mirror. I use to slam on my brakes in the car then pump them to have it swing and slap the crap out of my front window like it did my eye in the wind. Chicks dig the tassel mirror.
To much of my surprise, chicks don't dig it to much when it says 91 on it and it is this year. What the heck? That thing is like a gold medal for me, I had to give the teachers so much crap and threaten them to pass me so they didn't have to put up with me the next year. It worked, and now I have earned my tassles.
So now, I want to make a new trend in the tassel evolution, or whatever the word is, I want to see all the High Schools in the "HOOD" not have tassels, but tie them things up like dreadlocks. Then when I go to the mall, I know which car NOT to park by. Put some of them beads in em, do whatever tickles your fancy shredding doilie eye sores, but dreads would just be the coolest. I would probably try to get me a college degree if that happen. But until then, I still blame that stupid tassel for me having to wear glasses.

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