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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Well, outside my place happens to be where the kids toys are. Not because I have all the kids, but I have all the white kids. So, today, I was looking out the back window, and obviously it is nice enough to wear pants that have so many holes they contain less fabric than shorts, with the ole sweatshirt tied around their neck. Some chick, and her chick friend, I would guess about 12 or 13, I'm not into checking kids out, so I may be off on the age. But I wonder if her mom is hot?
So, anywho, I was just sitting there thinking to myself, more than likely out loud also, cause I'm the only one here and my plants stopped answering me when I stopped watering them. I need to take a trip over to Walmart and get me a BB Gun, or paintball. I think a BB would make alot cleaner mess, so a BB gun is what I need. That way when they start their screaming outside, I can just "pop" that BB off and quiet them kids down. I mean, what would that hurt? I would be able to do it without even leaving the appartment. Plus, a BB really don't hurt with just 1 pump, but ask my brother how it feels after 10.
So, back on these swingers, well not yet, they are young. That one girl sat down on that swing like it was a G-Swing, Jesus tits, it made me whistle how tight she had that up there. That is when I knew someone was going to get hurt, and seeing a girl get hung by her hips was not what I wanted to see, so I shut up the window. Well, shortly after that, her mom came down, and she is HOT. So, I gotta go, don't be silly, wrap your willy.

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