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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Fools

There is nothing worse in my book when an April Fools joke goes onto you. And who was the idiot that decided to change your relationship status on that day should be kicked in the wiener. I started getting all worked up, thinking about all that fresh meat hitting the market and then WHAMO, ha ha, April Folking Fools.
That has to be the dumbest thing since mixing peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. I mean, tell me your dog got ran over, or your cat got caught in the engine fan of the car, but really? Getting my hopes up to be shot down was not what I thought was funny. But, on the other hand, I did read a really cool baby announcement on Facebook. It said, Reservations for the Richardson's in November,,,,,,,,,party of 6. That was freaking classic, I wonder how many people would actually have to stop and think for a second, then later on it would have said, 6, hole crap stains in gym shorts, they ain't even Catholic. Crazy eh?
And Zuckerman, we all know we bitch about the timeline stuff, but here, on the Facebook craze, like you care, you screwed your two buddies out of their profits when they helped ya, our bad for thinking you were listening.
But,,,personally,,,,,I would like to have a button where I can pick where I want to poke the person I am poking. We have every other game on there, get on it buddy folker. Just put a box that says where and let me type it in. But don't get the list from Words With Friends, cause they don't my kind of words are actually words. I can save those for you another day. So, in the meantime, while your are just sitting there burning up your thumbs on the sailboat with Justin Beiber counting your money, have your dudes get on that. But, in the mean time, when Beiber says it's time, don't be silly, wrap ole willy.

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