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Thursday, April 19, 2012


You know, last I checked people who have cats are about 100% likely to put that hairy ball on their facebook. Which if you ask me, is just plain wrong. A can't don't play catch, chase the bogyman off, lick your face, sniff your crotch, or ride your leg. So, in my world, a cat is just plain wrong to call a pet. Not that I HATE cats, I just think they make awesome moving targets.
I mean, my favorite cat is a shaved one between two legs. The kind that you pet and you can hear a purr. OH WOW, now I'm going. Back on the farm, with a farmers daughter, there were alot of cats. Barn cats, house cats, cat houses, stray cats, and to cut it all down to simpler terms, we had barn sex, bedroom sex, whorehouses, Ho's. That is some defined taking words to mean other ones. Darn, I guess I am smarter than I think.
But, who the hell pays thousands of dollars for a damn cat? Especially the 4 legged kind that does nothing but shed hair, make you sneeze, and don't even offer a Kleenex? Not I said the non-cat owner with the redneck and pimple on his ass. But if cats were suppose to be here, then we wouldn't have dogs to help reduce the population. Maybe dogs were put here as mercenaries to the cat population. Makes me wonder, chicks like cats, and why is that? They were born with one, if you want to play with a cat, I am more than willing to give you my email to get a picture. Well, maybe not, heck ya. I'm a damn dog like that, ruff ruff, just don't get mad when I wanna ride your leg.
One thing good about cats I can say though is, in the heat of the moment, when you and your woman are going it, a cat will NEVER put its cold ass nose on your ass. Maybe I'm not a dog now, makes me wonder, okay I'm confused. If you test it out to see if your cat will do it, just don't be silly wrap ole willy.

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