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Monday, April 30, 2012


I often times think to myself what goes thru a persons head to post updates of things? For example, all these pictures of your uterus on my wall. Nothing like looking at a chick from the inside out, I mean that makes me more excited than getting to be a guest jackman at a NASCAR race. So, then when I am out being naughty, or out in public, I not only have to look at you and say HI, but men like me are thinking, hummm, I seen your uterus, it's kinda like sex bi proxy.
It kind of reminds me of when you use to tell someone you rubbed your dick all over the steering wheel, so really they are stroking me off. I mean, that kind of stuff is kinda borderline porn in my world. I think about how, what, when, why that picture even came into existence. Kinda crazy in my world, I guess some would say I am a pervert, but I guess I'm not on the net looking at real live porn, so pervert isn't really the word I would pick. Maybe a horndog, that might make a close call. But, who's counting?
And, man, I tell ya, I just can't wait for these High School graduations, it's going to be like I am planning my kids graduation. Shit, I had to skip 2 weddings, not just because they were suckers and I didn't want to cry, or bust out objecting trying to save my pal. But because why go when you post the every move? I'm walking down the isle, I am nervous.......I DO........I still do...........getting rice thrown in my eyes, thanks people, for making this the best day of my life. I said that once, but I had to regret it the day my divorce was final, cause really, that was the best damn day of my life. Nothing like writing one off, and someone else taking it on. More power to ya, I mean, personally, I wouldn't want my seconds, but hope I taste like chicken.
So, now that you are showing the world your uterus, and the kid you had hot passionate sex to make, and everything else that goes with it, I would like you to order up some Adam and Eve catalogs, and get ya some of them condoms, so you don't be silly and wrap ole willy so I don't have to see your uterus again. Please? Thank you.

Ex and Guns

Somethings just royally confuse me, I mean, that don't take much. The craziest things can happen when one decides not to stay married, or hitched, or suckered, take your pick. But I tell ya one thing, the guns, always the guns is what makes the other person happy. If I didn't have mine, I'd be lost, and damn sure wouldn't be able to protect myself from the estranged ex.
But to go to court, when there is 2 guns or more involved, I say they split em up. They ain't related or anything, maybe even joint custody, that way every hunting season, the hunter ends up with them. Beings it is hunting season, that is the prime time to unload on an animal, if ya get what I'm saying. But I can't find a tag for that. Guess witch hunting only exhist out East where they still believe the Scarlet Letter really happened.
I tell ya, if I was a judge, I'd just really fix both their asses. Both are scared of the other going to shoot them, so split the guns, or hell, now days I'm surprised they haven't split the ammo. Husband get the guns, Wife gets the ammo. Now that is a real court decision, beings you have the gun, obviously, one would have to just go down and get ammo. So what if she gets the bullets, but no way to shoot em? This is kinda a mute point, but on my FB the other day, these chicks were getting their granny panties all kinds of looking like G-strings, without the brown streak. Well, maybe some will,,,,,,,,,,,ah hell. But these chicks are the same one's that go on and on about how crazy their ex is, and this and that, and then they are the crazies with the gun. I know back when John Wayne ruled the world this stuff wouldn't happen, we would go out back and have a duel. But the funny thing is, my ex don't know how to load a gun, so guess what's gonna happen???
Just for the record, I wouldn't waste the lead, or the disappointment of not having them around. I mean, nobody else in this world just sits around trying to find my every move when shes the one that was sleeping around. Heck, if I was that good, I guess why cheat? What comes around goes around, but if we were still together, I guess we would have a gun cabinet of hers to put my guns in. So remember, don't be silly, wrap ole willy cause child support sucks.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


What in the heck was she thinking to come up with that name? Is that like Snoopy and Nikki combined? Who knows, she kinda reminds me of a little sun baked troll doll. From all her glamour and glitz, and big lips and fat hips, what were they thinking letting her do a damn TV show? That is my questions I guess, and since she wants to ignore me like the white step child she never had, then I shall answer myself.
Obviously on an acid induced night laying at some homeboys crib, probably about half naked, she was looking at her funyon toenails and watching Snoopy cartoons. Man, I bet if Snoopy knew she was watching, he would be pissed off like flying condom. I mean, that chick did not miss any branches falling out of the ugly tree, matters of fact, she even got all the leaves. Anywho, that had to be how she thought of that, cause there ain't nobody else in this world that would have. Her real name is Nichole, or however funky was she spells it, you cross the short of Nikki for that, and now do some doggy style with Snoopy, and wham, ya got your Snooki.
MTV, well, couldn't have gone to a better place for a show. I mean, they went from music videos, to whatever this Snooki chicks shows name is, to 16 and pregnant, to 32 and a grandma. Everyone in show biz is after a black chick that is only 4 foot tall, I bet Springer is pissed he missed out. But by God, Oprah would call her twice. Which is good, cause in my world, we dress in black to look thinner, now imagine Oprah and Snooki white. HOLY BULLS!!! All they would need is a nose hoop. And now, Snooki is knocked up, that sorry dude, I hope he used the pillowcase, oh, he did, that's how he finished. Well, Snook's, jokes on you, your due date is also those Mayan dudes prediction of when the world is going to end. God hope so, that would be so funny, but if that dude that knocked her up wasn't silly, he would have wrapped ole willy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hitting crap

Over the trials of learning how to drive, I have hit some pretty cool things in my day in my car. Starting from, our mailbox, parents garage door, ran my dad's car into my mom's car, high centered on a rock, and this weekend, I added a dog, coyote, and opossum to the list.
Kinda cool, rolled out of South Dakota early Sunday morning, and for some damn reason, at 3:40 a.m. someone thought it was a great time to let a damn dog out to take a shit by a highway. Well, it isn't that cool of an idea now and they won't do it again, All I seen was this black glare and then a thump thump. I could of stopped, but beings a dog lover, and having 2 1/2 hours more to go, I decided to keep going. It was darker than a Sudanese man with his mouth and eyes closed, all be damn if I was stopping out in the middle of nowhere, the only house around was obviously the people that were going to kill me. So I drove, and just kept thinking, all be damn, never hit on of them.
Then about an hour later, thump thump, God dang again, now this time, the dog was kinda bigger, was a damn coyote. Hit that bastard too, what the hell was he thinking it was early in the morning, he had to see my lights, not even the stars were shining, it was dark. The ole Soul should have high centered on that damn thing, he didn't hit the tires, so the thump thump was more of a kar plug ding dunk dung. The only good thing about it was my bumper was already torn up due to an iceberg jumping out in front of me while I was texting this winter, and is going to the body Dr next Monday. Gotta get my grill fixed.
And then about 30 minutes from home, all be damn if I didn't hit a opossum that was in the road. We call them rats on roids. I have no freaking idea if he was alive or playing dead, and it was still as dark as my ex wife's other personality, and I wasn't stopping for shit. Not that I am afraid of the dark, cause I just maybe, and maybe not, I do know one thing, if I am with someone, I ain't scared of the dark, and I'm not silly, I wrap ole willy.

Seriously only me

Well, in this great big world, what are the odds of meeting a gay guy with no teeth? Let me ask that again, in my world, how the hell do I meet these people? I am telling you, if a carnival lemonade stand person is in town, they have this special magnet that draws them into me. Maybe they just want to be famous.
So I walk into a building downtown to meet someone about a sign, and he isn't there. BUT, out pops this little guy, all scruffy, maybe he forgot whisker burn isn't allowed. I tell him what I am doing and who I'm working for, and I understood NOT A DAMN WORD. All I heard was some moaning, and seen some lips move, but not to far. If I could of found something other than my dip to share with him so I could understand him better, by God I would be on it like a stain on Monica Lewinsky's dress. But my names not Bill, so that didn't happen, and I don't share my Copenhagen with just anyone.
And he's just a babbling away, and me liking to read people, starting picking up a weird vibe on my gaydar. One of those vibes where I better watch a little closer, and YEP, he did it, that little toothless folker winked at me. After that, there was an asshole clinch up, and then his wrist started flipping. The only thing I could think of, was man, he has no teeth to drag, didn't take me long to figure it if he was a giver or taker. I mean, a taker, not like the kind that takes a tip from the offering plate, but a genuine grab my ankles and spell RUN.
Most of you know me, and know I really ain't scared of nobody, and people are people. I respect them, some are confused, and some just can't break and ask a woman out. I have gay buddies, and nothing is wrong with them, but of all due respect, I am as STRAIGHT as a carbon arrow, and you can pick that up right away, especially with tequila, cause clothes start flying. But once you step inside my bubble with a hit, or pick up line, you are fair game for me to just unleash. And I did, but obviously he likes it rough, cause he came from around the corner, and I glued my ass to the wall, to mumble to me more. Case closed, dudes not in, I'm gone there buddy, I will call before I stop by again. But if you happen to find "HIM", don't be silly, wrap ole willy.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Crap Nebraskans Say

Some of the damnest things you ever did hear come from the mouth of Nebraskans. WHY? We don't really think before we spit. But take one of these guys, toss him down into Branson for a couple years, and then you have some crazy shit I say.

You needa wash that thing tween your legs. Smells like sex.
What you do to your hair? Roll around in a cows ass?
Got a truck to help me go grab some shit I bought?
Them tits real? Can I check?
I'm gonna go help preg check.
Takin off like a prom dress.
You dropped your damn pocket.
Hey, how far would you be if I hadn't hollared at ya?
Looks like 2 hippos fighting for air when she walks.
Your sister home?
Come over here and I can come in there.
And who came up with a readend accident and named it assholed?
Why are apartments, apartments, they are together, they should be called togetherments.
Why do we park in a driveway, and drive on a parkway.
My bed is on milk cartons cause that's how I roll.

Well, there ya have a few, somethings I say, can't be rewrote, if one could copyright phrases, I would have a million. But in the mean time, when you got her by the ears making motorcycle sounds, don't be silly wrap ole willy.

Burke South Dakota

This town is a breed of their own. From a always drunk airport fireman, to a banker that married into the money, everyone has a nickname. Everone knows everyone, and when you aren't from there, they will come up and ask where you are from. Nice people, great ones.
I learned about Nebraska up there, they love the Huskers, and some even went to school in Nebraska. I also learned that there were 4 sisters from that area that raised white horses, and they were used for circus and shows. They were the ones that came up with the white horse evadently. But who's counting? They weren't even Indian. Shocker.
There's a dead animal stuffer dude that obviously collects racoon penis and makes earrings of them? I always heard about screwing her in the ear, but comeon animals, you can't beat us to it. What would ever make one think, Damn those there would make some good earrings?? Sticking a penis in your ear? I'm sure someone can help with that, maybe some medication. To impress me more, a school board member, a dude, had one in his ear.
The high school kids were stuck, in the middle of nowhere, where their parents know all there is to do is drink, so those kids had to blow a breathalizer before post prom. So, beings I am who I am, there was a line and I told the Sheriff, you might want to zip up your fly so you don't confuse them on what they have to blow in. He didn't find it as funny as me, oh well, strike ONE. After that, they had some games, and one of these was the nastiest thing I ever seen.
They had to pick anywhere between 3-6 foods, and 1-3 drinks, toss them in a blender, and drink a shot of it. This would be a killer bar game, but we are talking, smoked oysters, cake, oreos, yogurt, whorchestershire sauce, hot dogs, beets, mustard, hot sauce, cheetos, sauerkraut, and the drinks were vegatable juice, pineapple juice, and orange pop. Some of these things blended up smelled like puke to start, let alone the chunky hot dog being poured into the shot glass. And KUDOS to these kids, one and only one puker, a girl, go figure. But they were troopers.
Next year, when I go I am taking cow tongue, brains, intestines, salmon, and RAW oysters, gonna go big!! But all in all I had a blast, I babysat the parents while the kids were home having sex, or at prom, and then after, I babysat the kids so the parents could go home and get funky. The parents were all drunk, so I am betting they had a funner time. But I sure hope they weren't silly and wrapped ole willy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Laurel Nebraska Cop

In my journey around this great area we call the Midwest, I get to meet alot of great people, lots of weird people, and many comedians. Or I guess, everyone is a comedian when there's a comedian. But, the newest member of the stuck in head club, would happen to be a part time officer in Laurel Nebraska. That poor kid, I was busting on him, then found out he was a cop, and holy balls, I tea bagged him like the hooker he was.
Nothing says I'm a cop more than sitting at the table with the food, in which the food was 2 pink penis cakes. I had to watch him so he didn't start licking the frosting. I honestly thought he was enjoying eyeballing the cake, which he wouldn't admit. But come to find up, he had a cover up wife for 7 years, which really is a long time for a woman to figure out where the door is. I didn't see a picture. But, now he has himself a chick he is proud of.
He has one of them stripper chicks. The one's that everyone gets to see naked but you, the ones that have more diseases than a rat in Boston, one that can do some funky things in the sheets. And he is proud, ONLY IN NEBRASKA. I was telling him, if I had a calendar, 420 would be a date each month, and Willie Nelson would be President. I went on and on about weed how the cops are so insecure they want to keep it illegal so they have a job. Because, if your stoned, your not going to speed, I mean 25 is freaking flying, and you won't steal, that requires having to wait until you can feel your legs, and if anything the economy is going to get alot of help, cause we are going to be buying food. On and on I went, then I got my small town cop joke.
Said I love small towns cause there is only one officer, I like to catch him, rip down his pants and cuff him to the main street light pole. And THAT'S where the secret was out. One person said he would like that, so I being me, looked at the guy by the penis cakes, and said you the cop? To much of my surprise, YES HE WAS. I damn sure made sure he had enough beer to drink, so I could get the heck out of town. But this is the same cop that tried to pull over some Federal Agents, and walked up to the car, and they lite that Suburban up like a Christmas Tree. Nothing says Have a nice day like pulling over the F.B.I. when you are a part timer, in a small town, and have no idea what a tazer looks like.
This is the kid of guy you hand a condom to and he thinks it's a single wrapped breath mint, I tell ya, a real no brainer. But, I did let him know, he is the sorry subject for a blog, and now ya got it. So, if your not a gay cop, don't be silly wrap ole willy.

Catholic School

I had a show up in the boondocks of Nebraska, after playing in a hail storm and then making it to an awesome birthday show, off I rolled at midnight to another show, with a start of 2 a.m. And to much of my belief, what a disaster that show was. I thought I got stuck with a bunch of Jerry's kids that were at a slumber party.
I show up, all the kids, all 50 of them, were done with prom, and in street clothes, playing with inflatable toys, I mean, I walked right into a teenager Chuck cheese. I knew I was screwed worse than a sheep 50 miles from a town. So, I waited, until the start time, and hit the stage. Them kids, not only were they Catholic, but tired Catholics, obviously not enough wine. I told a couple jokes, like I'm sure you watch cable ytv and 16 and pregnant, I can't wait until the sequel 32 and grandma. That joke went over there head like Airforce One taking off in Iraq. Not one kid even grinned, so I had to break it down, 16 plus 16 equals 32. When your 16 and have a kid, then your kid is 16 and has one cause you did, then your 32 and a grandma. Then they laughed.
I have no idea what them Catholic kids learn now days, but back when I was in school, we had 3 high schools, and I know for a fact we wouldn't skip a Catholic kids party. Heck, we would  have skipped prom to hit one. Not up here, I don't think party or funny is allowed. So I pulled a couple more, and got nothing, these kids are just plain whipped, I didn't even bring up the "off like a prom dress", I didn't want to hear, I already have it off at home on a hanger." Shock me, what I thought was going to be a awesome show, was a complete practice, I've had better reactions in a mirror than what I got there that night.
But all in all, I had a hell of a time busting on a cop at the Birthday Party, and man oh man, when my speeding head spins something out about him, the blog is on. But don't be silly wrap ole willy. If your Catholic I will explain that later.

True Friend

Alot of us have this belief that some of our friends are good friends. But I now have to set you all straight. A TRUE GOOD FRIEND is a friend that will steal your shit back from the impound yard, hide it in their garage, and make sure you get it back. Now that is way above and beyond bailing you out of jail and not telling your wife.
Nothing says I got a secret until you have had a vehicle taken, for no reason, and put up in a "doghouse" until you contact the Police Department to get it back. Some things that surprised me, is only in small town America, will an impound lot not have a fence. That is like having pet ducks with no water. Lets think, usually people who get stuff impounded, are the bad ones, like the same group that will steal their stuff back from the impound lot.
Nothing is better than a phone call saying, hey buddy, I got your vehicle back, it's in my garage, but we got to be quick. Get it out of town, and hide it, make sure you sell it, only cash. And whatever you do, don't rat your peep out, that's a real peep right there.
So when you think you have some balls, you have nothing until you have stollen your buddies stuff back from the Police impound lot. That is something I can't say, but I am sure one that would do that, better damn sure not be silly and wrap ole willy. We don't need anymore genius thiefs.


Well sometimes the greatest things are where you wouldn't expect to find them. Like at Walmart, back in the kids toys, in the sword and magic isle, they had some spray. It was spray to numb your throat so you could be a sword swallower. The exact thing crossing my mind, was not a sword, but have I got just the chick to test this out. And off home I went.
I called her and told her I had a new toy for her when I came home from Walmart, and you would have thought I bought her a new car, she hopped right in her wheelchair and came over. Bless her heart. I showed it to her, and she said she didn't want to become a magician. So I held her mouth open, sprayed it in there, and unzipped my drawers. Holy zit faced teenagers, before my pants hit the ground, she was down on my like a Russian being shot at. I got to play me a game of operation, I removed some tonsils, and epiglottis, and a I have no freaking idea.
I let her finish, I couldn't do it, I would have went off like a 12 gauge shotgun on a pheasant, probably blew the hair off the back of her head. Kind of crazy I couldn't go, but you can't fake it when they will know. So, her lips were tired, and jaw cramping, so I let her roll back home like a gentleman. And that is when it dawned on me why I couldn't go. After I zipped it up in my fly and felt nothing, that shit numbed me too. Not only did I get the best toy in Walmart, but I got me a 2 in one. So if your looking for a sword swallower and a guy that will LAST, get your ass down to Walmart toy section and get some. But in the heat of the night, don't be silly, wrap ole willy.

Climate Change

One thing in this world that happens is, we go thru a climate change. The summers are warm, HOT, being I'm from Nebraska. The winters cold, la da la da. Some of us around here believe, that you cannot wear certain clothing articles all year long. For instance, panty hose.
First thing that comes to my mind, is WHY would someone buy such a thing, take 30 minutes of extra stretching, jumping, rolling, cussing, and sneaking to get into these things? Its like wearing 2 sets of undies. That is crazy, but the man who invented them, he was a genius. Probably a stand up comic somewhere, single, lots of ladies, and thought, how can I make something that there is a possibility of a woman accidentally working out naked in front of me. So off he went.
All I know, is in the winter they stay warm to help warm up my ears when they are cold when she's wearing them. And in the summer, it makes a great cheese dip. I often times wondered what exactly a girl does wear up under her panty hoses. So off to Walmart, my find everything store, to lift up dresses to check. I learned that alot of women are all on the period at the same time, and they all wear pads. But, I also learned, that you have a 50-50 chance of seeing a chick in undies vs without. Now, what I didn't understand was why the ones with panties on still had their maxipad on the outside of their underwear. It is probably cause them panty hose are so tight it make them have to pee like a race horse on lasex.
All I know is when they come off and ssssssssshhhhhhhhhooooooooookkkkkkkkkkk, shrink down to Barbie pants, life is grand, and all of a sudden she isn't on the period anymore. They are magic, talk about magic, don't be silly wrap old willy.


Okay, Ms 300, spandex is way beyond what it could do to you 150 pounds ago. Now what is going thru your head to think that man made stuff was going to hold you in? Now that I just puked a little in my mouth. I am going to add, and that shirt? That ain't true you can hold your muffin top back from being a cupcake. Spandex were invented when schools wouldn't let girls go to school naked.
It was to help guys out, by letting us see your beautiful curves, and the outline to heaven. Or whatever you refer to it as, shaved kitty, kitty, beaver, fish with no smell, bearded clam, raw oyster, eeeewwwww think about the half shell. Okay. Anywho, a man invented such an item to get us aroused, and have women pay money on something to make us do it. HELLO Victoria, it isn't a secret, your a ho!!!
Now someone explain to me why when I wear them, people laugh. That just isn't right. They drool on the women and laugh at me. What the hell is it? I have the potato in the front, they really laugh when it is in the back, but a great way to cut in a line somewhere.
All I know is, obviously man is making them suckers to big, to hell with save the whales, save the material and make 2, then they will good in that crap. Just remember, you can't squeeze the dimples out of a golf ball, so calm down there Julie Brown and back on up to the parachute pants. Thank you. But the babes who can wear them, HELLO, keep doing what your doing cause I am wanting to do you, and not even be silly, and wrap ole willy.


Sexual Frustration, ice chompers, master baiters, bean flickers, and all in all, Dr. John dreamers. Having sexual frustrations is a bad thing in today's world, even small towns have girls that are trying to keep from being frustrated. And Vegas,,,,,ain't no reason to be there.
I'm the kind of guy that has to wear duct tape on his leg to keep people from knowing how frustrated a guy can be. Nothing like trying to cage a monkey. But man, after a while, that glue on the tape will almost make your member look like a barbershop pole. So, I have learned to wrap him in toilet paper, then tape it down.
Think of what Pamela Anderson goes thru at night? The Ho of all Ho's and being single, well, probably having some poor frustrated bastard pay to play with that silly putty chest she is prancing around with. I wonder if she laid on a newspaper if the print would transfer? Hummmm, well, I now have a mission.
So, when I am out, on the prowl, I always look for the ice chompers, that is a sure tail sign of sexual frustration. Even if they are low on iron, they need some iron in their diet, heck ya I am packing some non rusty iron in my britches. A damn I beam that could be used on a skyscraper. Okay, enough about me, but don't be silly, wrap ole willy, and watch out if your chomping ICE around me.


You know, last I checked people who have cats are about 100% likely to put that hairy ball on their facebook. Which if you ask me, is just plain wrong. A can't don't play catch, chase the bogyman off, lick your face, sniff your crotch, or ride your leg. So, in my world, a cat is just plain wrong to call a pet. Not that I HATE cats, I just think they make awesome moving targets.
I mean, my favorite cat is a shaved one between two legs. The kind that you pet and you can hear a purr. OH WOW, now I'm going. Back on the farm, with a farmers daughter, there were alot of cats. Barn cats, house cats, cat houses, stray cats, and to cut it all down to simpler terms, we had barn sex, bedroom sex, whorehouses, Ho's. That is some defined taking words to mean other ones. Darn, I guess I am smarter than I think.
But, who the hell pays thousands of dollars for a damn cat? Especially the 4 legged kind that does nothing but shed hair, make you sneeze, and don't even offer a Kleenex? Not I said the non-cat owner with the redneck and pimple on his ass. But if cats were suppose to be here, then we wouldn't have dogs to help reduce the population. Maybe dogs were put here as mercenaries to the cat population. Makes me wonder, chicks like cats, and why is that? They were born with one, if you want to play with a cat, I am more than willing to give you my email to get a picture. Well, maybe not, heck ya. I'm a damn dog like that, ruff ruff, just don't get mad when I wanna ride your leg.
One thing good about cats I can say though is, in the heat of the moment, when you and your woman are going it, a cat will NEVER put its cold ass nose on your ass. Maybe I'm not a dog now, makes me wonder, okay I'm confused. If you test it out to see if your cat will do it, just don't be silly wrap ole willy.


When one ask someone for a topic, why do they always pick the words that are WAY out of my vocabulary? Maybe it's just me, well, maybe it's just them trying to get on over on me. Ya, that's it. They are trying to make me seem dumber or redneckish more than I already am. But, by no means, will that stump me with the power of Webster's.
So, they call it an art to not have children, to stay single, but WAIT ONE DARN MINUTE. Single, and no children is not an art. Unless your reading Karma Sutra and then when you get to about page 52, you find you need a partner to finish the book. Alot like life, when you start out, you are a virgin, then become a self satisfying virgin, then your moisture seeking heat missile decides what it takes to have fun, and have some curtain climbers, diaper shitters, and someone that will never leave your side. KIDS. It's alot like a new car, you buy it, break it in, and then rod the piss out of it. But the difference between a car and sex is, you can't wear a good kitty out, but you can die trying.
So, to remain single, what's the point? Nobody to bitch at you, no making you sleep on the couch, no hiding the remote, and nobody to keep you warm. I guess if we were to practice Nepotism, then we would all wouldn't be here. The art of favoritism of a family member, must be a Catholic thing. Only the Catholic can go out, do whatever they want, go in and chat to the dude behind the curtain and walk out forgivin and do it all over again the same day. Talk about that, why are Catholics always on their knees? And to be single on your knees???? Even on Urban Dictionary that is just wrong. But who am I to judge, I don't have a degree.
But, in the mean time, if you are single, rich, and willing to add me to a will, my name is Gabe, and I would love to be Nepotized by you. I know I am a favorite to many, and feared by many, but who is counting? So, if you don't want to believe in Nepotism, then don't be silly wrap ole willy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

NBA Rant

So, Wade, your swollen  up pocket book is getting greedy? Obviously you missed church on Easter, or maybe just church in general. Greed is not good. So don't even bring up God, or anything when you mumble out your basketball talking chops. From now on, instead of being Wade, I'm going to refer to you as porkchop.
Porkchop, beings the President Obama forbiden meat, to have someone say they are American and then be asked to promote our country, stand up as a citizen, play the gift they enjoy, and then ask for money to do what thousands of REAL ATHLETES have done for centuries without being paid? Come on man, show some class, not just your ass.
Maybe we should start paying our bobsled team, they have hearts, they win gold, they don't ask for nothing, and still know the stars are on the left top on the flag. To know I served 4 1/2 years to protect my country with dingleberries like you, I'm ashamed, and NO TV in my house will ever stop on a NBA game. Thanks for putting that stupid sport on the block list. I have seen dudes down at the hood that would love to smoke that ass for NOTHING, not even a Gatorade.
Show some class, you chose to be a professional athlete, now either play for your country or get the hell off the court so a REAL CITIZEN can play. Don't see the hockey players crying?  Maybe it's because they are playing a mans sport, a contact sport. Like to see your lanky butt on skates. Okay, well, if you want to be like your idol Kobe, don't be silly, wrap ole willy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Whoop la

Well, being a simple mind, in a simple world, where my visions are kind of like sneaking up from behind and watching what happens. If that makes no sense to you, then here. When I do to the egg section of the grocery store, it fasinates me that they can get them chickens to lay so close to drop them eggs in those cardboard egg holder deals. Imagine how the hands feel from the guy that has to cut off all the stems on the frozen strawberries, I bet they are cold. Who designed the can bisquit to POP after you beat it? That thing is awesome, nothing like taking off the paper and tossing it into bed at your, person of the evening, to see their impression when it blows up.
Some say I am just plan ole sick. But really, I ain't, my views, vision, tunnel vision or whatever you call it, I like to just live each day likes its my last. So, in doing that, I like to call up insurance companies and tell them I need to get a secondary policy on my pecker. Explaining I'm a porn star and if my junk jangles, I'm done. That darn Jeff Gordon got one on his legs, so surely you have something like that for my pecker. The insurance people will look into it and call you back. Ya, call back, of all of them, only 4 did. But man was that not the funniest damn thing I ever done. Try it.
Don't do what I did when you are calling around. I guess everyone has that caller id on their phones now. And why do people call me saying they are cops from a restricted number, and telling me to stop calling this number. I always answer with, I don't call myself you dork, get a job and stop calling me. Well, it looks like they finally traced it down to an address, so off I go, don't be silly wrap ole willy.

Easter at Home

Ah, the night before ole Easter, screaming kids, fighting brothers, druken uncle, and the joys of candy. For some reason, now my chetlins are thinking candy is in EVERY EGG. So not fair to me, nor the dog. I mean the damn dog can only lap up so much yolk in a day, before she has the scrambled shits. The time of year we bitch about the price of eggs, but spend money on plastic ones. Now what a concept. I have no idear where this bunny came up, but here's how I handle this.
The day before Easter, I round up the chetlings, load em up in the car and head out. What I have done, is now refered to as "the American Economy Way", the hunt begins. I drive down every street where is an opportunity for find rabbits. Then, the anti Easter autopilot kicks in, and who knew a SOUL could do such great steering off road. Well, on grass. I find that first rabbit and kapow, run that sucker over when the kids are watching. Then I flip the car back out on the street, take out the chetlings, and pose for the annual Redneck Me Easter photo.
My kids now understand, the bunny is dead so Easter has been cancelled. It is so great that Easter is on a Sunday, cause the next day we all go to church, the kids, talk about running over the rabbit and not getting any candy this year. And I am playing the whole lost my job can't afford to get anything but gas for my car, but I will take some donations. Then, after church, we take off, a headed home with money in my pocket. Not everyone can get paid to go to church other than a preacher. So, now, thanks for paying the electric, and I need to get to bed, I have to work in the morning. Don't be silly, wrap ole willy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Fools

There is nothing worse in my book when an April Fools joke goes onto you. And who was the idiot that decided to change your relationship status on that day should be kicked in the wiener. I started getting all worked up, thinking about all that fresh meat hitting the market and then WHAMO, ha ha, April Folking Fools.
That has to be the dumbest thing since mixing peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. I mean, tell me your dog got ran over, or your cat got caught in the engine fan of the car, but really? Getting my hopes up to be shot down was not what I thought was funny. But, on the other hand, I did read a really cool baby announcement on Facebook. It said, Reservations for the Richardson's in November,,,,,,,,,party of 6. That was freaking classic, I wonder how many people would actually have to stop and think for a second, then later on it would have said, 6, hole crap stains in gym shorts, they ain't even Catholic. Crazy eh?
And Zuckerman, we all know we bitch about the timeline stuff, but here, on the Facebook craze, like you care, you screwed your two buddies out of their profits when they helped ya, our bad for thinking you were listening.
But,,,personally,,,,,I would like to have a button where I can pick where I want to poke the person I am poking. We have every other game on there, get on it buddy folker. Just put a box that says where and let me type it in. But don't get the list from Words With Friends, cause they don't my kind of words are actually words. I can save those for you another day. So, in the meantime, while your are just sitting there burning up your thumbs on the sailboat with Justin Beiber counting your money, have your dudes get on that. But, in the mean time, when Beiber says it's time, don't be silly, wrap ole willy.

Great Day

So, today was one of them normal days for me. It all started when I stopped by the coffee joint this morning. Of course, when I'm in a damn hurry, they are slow, and backed up like a bunch of nano nano's waiting for a new Star Wars movie. So, I make it to the workplace where I put in my time, and time, and time, then decided that I needed some goods from Wally.
So, off I went, like a prom dress, to Wally. When I went in, for christ sakes, the damn blower blew the cap right off my head like a non-ductaped tupay. Then, it dawned on me, all these screwballs trying to be sexy wearing them sugar daddy, elmo, and plaid pajama pants have now turned into chess pieces. GAME ON!!! Knowing they don't tie tight, cause I wear them, ONLY at HOME. I decided to see what was under them pants. I learned by colors, brown, brown and white, brown red and white, blue and white, but oddly nobody was patriotic today, no red white and blue. Of course that would be the ticket to, aunt flo starting, when just got some that morning, wearing her blue bonnett. But, it's not like they can catch me cause their pants are around their ankles. But, man is pink really pink. Thank god for that label, that was a marketing genius.
Then, I decided to split, and go down south to the other Wally store. YEP, we be lucky enough to have 2 people laughing venture centers in town. In that store, I decided that today was a good day to test some leg action. I just ran up to random hotties and grabbed their legs and put my ear up to them. I had no idea you could hear people talk perfectly thru their leg. I was totally amazed. Then I stood up, and said sorry ma'am, my kids just said if I put my ear up to a shell I could hear the ocean, but I'm sorry, your ocean must have dried up. Not to bad, I only got slapped once, but I got 2 phone numbers. See dudes, the ole potato in the pants trick does work.
Then, after sitting here tonight, I decided to meet my neighbors. And out I ran out my door, knocking on all their doors jumping around like a kid on hot coals, yelling, "there's a snake in my boot".